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Showing result for There is no worse enemy than the one that was ex-CIA officer known for its extremely efficient and a troubled past. Peter Devereaux is contacted to ensure the protection of Alice Fournier

There is no worse enemy than the one that was ex-CIA officer known for its extremely efficient and a troubled past. Peter Devereaux is contacted to ensure the protection of Alice Fournier
Category : Video Language : English
Size : 649.90 MB Upload Date : 2014-09-24
Downloads : 3713 views Comments : 0 comments
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Tags : There is no worse enemy than the one that was ex-CIA officer known for its extremely efficient and a troubled past. Peter Devereaux is contacted to ensure the protection of Alice Fournier   head of a reception center for refugees   whose testimony could undermine one of the favorites in the Russian presidential election   Devereaux has quickly it was handled and he became the target of his former pupil   David Mason.  
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There is no worse enemy than the one that was ex-CIA officer known for its extremely efficient and a troubled past. Peter Devereaux is contacted to ensure the protection of Alice Fournier, head of a reception center for refugees, whose testimony could undermine one of the favorites in the Russian presidential election, Devereaux has quickly it was handled and he became the target of his former pupil, David Mason.

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