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Showing result for Queen and Country Movie

Queen and Country Movie
Category : Video Language : English
Size : 484.2 MB Upload Date : 2015-05-20
Downloads : 3338 views Comments : 0 comments
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Tags : Queen and Country Movie   Download Queen and Country 2014 Free Full Movie   Online Queen and Country   Queen and Country Movie Download Free   Free Download Queen and Country  
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Queen and Country, the 20th feature by the renowned John Boorman makes us follow the life of a young man Bill Rohan, who is called up for military service. Between broken dream and change of scenery, the young man will soon have to adapt in this cold and hard enough environment. The cast include young talents such as Callum Turner, Caleb Landry Jones or Tamsin Egerton but also more known players such as David Thewlis, Richard E. Grant or Pat Shortt.
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