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Showing result for Max 2 Movie

Max 2 Movie
Category : Video Language : English
Size : 850 MB Upload Date : 2017-05-12
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Tags : Max 2 Movie   Download White House Hero 2017 Free Full Movie   Online Max 2   Max 2 White House Hero 2017 Movie Download Free   Free Download Max 2 White House Hero 2017  
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Max is assigned to the White House while Butch, the Secret Service dog, is on maternity leave. Max meets TJ, a 12-year-old boy who is the President's son. As his father is very important, he has to strive to lead a normal life. During the visit of the President of Russia, who comes with his daughter Alex, TJ accompanies Alex and befriends her . When they get in trouble it will be Max who comes to the rescue.
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