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Showing result for Unwritten Obsession Movie

Unwritten Obsession Movie
Category : Video Language : English
Size : 953 MB Upload Date : 2017-10-04
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Bestselling author Skye Chaste hasn't had any success since her hit book, "Maya's Fall", was released years ago. Now desperate for cash, Skye accepts a job to mentor one of her young fans, Holly, who is writing a novel herself. She even allows her to stay in the guest room during the process. Upon reading Holly's book, Skye realizes just how good it is and sends it to her publisher as if she wrote it herself. Blinded by the possibility of striking gold again with a new book, Skye doesn't notice that she's playing right into Holly's devious plan. Holly knows more about Skye than she has let on, and she will stop at nothing to expose her idol's dark secrets.
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