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Showing result for Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)

Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)
Category : Video Language : English
Size : 444 MB Upload Date : 2017-12-29
Downloads : 4223 views Comments : 0 comments
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Tags : Jumanji Welcome to the Jungle Movie   Download Jumanji Welcome to the Jungle 2017 Free Full Movie   Online Jumanji Welcome to the Jungle   Jumanji Welcome to the Jungle Movie Download Free   Free Download Jumanji Welcome to the Jungle Download 2017 Movie  
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Four high school classmates discover an old video game console with a game that they have never heard of, Jumanji, and they feel immediately attracted by the jungle atmosphere of the game, to then be transformed into the avatars they have chosen: the gamer Spencer becomes a muscular adventurer, football star Fridge loses (in his own words) “the top 60 cm of his body” and becomes a genius, the popular girl Bethany becomes a middle-aged teacher and the shy and shy Martha is Become a fighter fighter. As if that were not enough, they discover that not only are they playing Jumanji, but they will also have to survive in it. To overcome the game and return to the real world, they must embark on the most dangerous adventure of their lives.
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