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Showing result for Roman J. Israel, Esq. (2017)

Roman J. Israel, Esq. (2017)
Category : Video Language : English
Size : 1.16 GB Upload Date : 2018-01-31
Downloads : 1593 views Comments : 0 comments
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Tags : Roman J. Israel   Esq Movie   Watch Roman J. Israel   Esq 2017 Free Full Movie   Online Roman J. Israel   Esq   Roman J. Israel   Esq Movie Watch Free   Free Watch Roman J. Israel   Esq Watch 2018 Movie  
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A drastic thriller that narrates the corruption of the judicial and penal system of Los Angeles. Roman (Denzel Washington) is a great activist and defender of human rights, but one day his mentor dies and this event will disrupt all his ideals. You will begin to take advantage of your position and position to achieve your goals and profit from it. In this way, he will fall into the trap of George Pierce (Colin Farrel), an ambitious lawyer blinded by greed and power.
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