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Showing result for The Lion King 2019

The Lion King 2019
Category : Video Language : English
Size : 961.95 MB Upload Date : 2019-07-19
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A remake of the classic Disney animated 1994 ‘The Lion King’ that will be directed by Jon Favreu. Simba (Donald Glover) is the son of the king of the lions, Mufasa, and heir of the whole kingdom. But when his father is brutally murdered by his uncle Scar, he will decide to flee, leaving the way free for his uncle to take his father’s place as leader of the pack. On his way, Simba meets the meerkat Timon and the boar Pumbaa, who will teach him to live life without worries. But the young lion will be forced to decide between his life free of problems or his destiny as king.
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