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Showing result for One Day Justice Delivered 2019

One Day Justice Delivered 2019
Category : Video Language : Hindi
Size : 429.58 MB Upload Date : 2019-10-01
Downloads : 494 views Comments : 0 comments
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Anupam Kher plays a judge-turned-killer in the clumsily titled One Day Justice Delivered. Ashok Nanda's Ranchi-set motion picture highlights Kher as Tyagi, a judge who has been constrained by poor proof and threatening observer to excuse individuals he knows are blameworthy. After he resigns, Tyagi swaps his robes for an imperceptible superhuman cape. Thinking that postponed equity is superior to denied equity, Tyagi goes on a hijacking binge in the expectation of driving admissions out of the hoodlums. He traps a couple of specialists, a hotelier, and a repairman and is nearly filling his cellar with more exploited people until the law gets up to speed with him.
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