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Showing result for Bharat 2019

Bharat 2019
Category : Video Language : Hindi
Size : 1.25 GB Upload Date : 2019-10-01
Downloads : 531 views Comments : 0 comments
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A young man who is compelled to be dependable at an early stage, grows up with no lament of a non-existent youth. He in truth makes it his all consuming purpose to put his family before him. The film pursues the voyage of Bharat (Salman Khan) throughout quite a few years as he explores the high points and low points of life. Isolated from his dad and sister during the Indo-Pak segment in 1947 as a kid, Bharat chooses to devote as long as he can remember to keeping the guarantee he'd made to his missing dad. He accepts it upon himself as the oldest child of the house to take care of his mom and kin, trusting their family would rejoin sometime in the future. From 1947 to 2010, the story navigates a time of more than six decades. You see Bharat bouncing hazardous unspecialized temp jobs to bring home the bacon.
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