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Showing result for Jabariya Jodi 2019

Jabariya Jodi 2019
Category : Video Language : English
Size : 745.84 MB Upload Date : 2019-10-16
Downloads : 508 views Comments : 0 comments
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Tags : Download Aparshakti Khurana Movies   Download Jabariya Jodi 2019 Movie in HD   Download Javed Jaffrey Movies   Download Parineeti Chopra Movies   Download Prashant Singh movies   Download Sanjeev k Jha Movies  
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Jabariya Jodi could have been a lot of things; a scathing indictment of the evil of dowry, a social drama on the novel but illegal solution to that ill which only a state as ‘jugaadu’ as Bihar could have come up with – pakadwa vivaah – or a satire about what such a forced coupling can do to a man, a woman and the society.
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