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Showing result for S.P. Chauhan 2019

S.P. Chauhan 2019
Category : Video Language : Hindi
Size : 598.6 MB Upload Date : 2019-11-12
Downloads : 3230 views Comments : 0 comments
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Tags : Jimmy Sheirgill   Yuvika Chaudhry   Yashpal Sharma   Jagat Bhushan Singh   Shailendra Tiwari  Manoj K. Jha  
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The film is based on the life of Shri S.P. Chauhan (Thakur Satpal Chauhan), a famous social worker from Karnal, Haryana. It highlights his journey from poverty to prosperity in adverse situations, and the struggles he faced while working as a social worker for issues like women empowerment and alcohol-free society.
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