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Showing result for Shanghai Fortress 2019

Shanghai Fortress 2019
Category : Video Language : English
Size : 920 MB Upload Date : 2019-12-26
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Tags : Watch Godfrey Gao movies   Watch Han Lu Movies   Watch Hua-Tao Teng movies   Watch Jiang Nan Movies   Watch Qi Shu Movies   Watch Shanghai Fortress 2019 movie  
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The alien invaders attacked the earth, their goal is the energy resources of humanity. Earth is not the first planet attacked by aliens, they are like lobsters that devastate one planet after another. But people cannot give up and sacrifice themselves and their resources, they fight to the end. The city of Shanghai is the last remaining fortress in the world and is protected by the latest technology. People are aware that the last bastion of humanity must be protected at all costs, which will be a final battle in which it cannot be lost.
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