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Showing result for Annabelle Comes Home 2019

Annabelle Comes Home 2019
Category : Video Language : English
Size : 912 MB Upload Date : 2019-12-26
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The terrifying Annabelle doll returns. On this occasion, the paranormal phenomena that this diabolical doll triggers will directly affect the marriage of renowned demonologists formed by Lorraine (Vera Farmiga) and Ed Warren (Patrick Wilson), as well as her daughter, a 10-year-old girl named Judy (Mckenna Grace ). Will it be in the small museum where the Warren keep the magical or possessed items that they have compiled over the years fighting against the forces of evil where the Annabelle doll starts its macabre plan? Horror film of the universe The Warren File, this third installment of the Annabelles saga is the debut in the direction of Gary Dauberman, also scriptwriter of this film and of the previous two installments of Annabelle, besides signing the screenplay of genre films like The Nun (2018) or It (2017). 
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