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Showing result for Bullet to the Head 2013 download

Bullet to the Head 2013 download
Category : Video Language : English
Size : 700 MB Upload Date : 2013-05-27
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Bullet to the head is the upcoming action, crime and thriller Hollywood movie. This film is going to release in the first week of February 2013. In this film Sylvester Stallone as hitmam team with a young NYPD detective investigates which leads from dingy back alleys. A cop and the hitman start fighting together against their common enemy after the death of their partners. Now what is the result of their fight? Do they win? You can watch this in the movie.  Bullet to the head is directed by Walter Hill and produced by Alfred Gough, Alexandra Michan and Joel Silver. This action movie is going to release on 1 February 2013. As this is a low budget movie, $55 million is spending on this film. This movie is based on the French graphic novel Du Plomb Dans La Tete written by Alexis Nolent. The story of this film is written by Alessandro Camon.

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