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Showing result for Pareeksha 2020

Pareeksha 2020
Category : Video Language : English
Size : 859 MB Upload Date : 2020-08-07
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The director shows us a happy family, where the parents -- both Buchi and his wife (Priyanka) -- work to fulfil the family’s financial needs, a brilliant child Bulbul (Shubham) and a strict yet helpful boss. However, everything comes crashing as Buchi dares to dream. When he sees a few students throwing away their books, he collects them for Bulbul who tells him they are useless for him as they are not for the state board syllabus, but CBSE. As an illiterate man, he is unable to quite understand what it means, but he understands that his son’s chances are limited as he studying in a government school. Buchi believes if his son gets admitted to Sapphire International, he will get to shine among the best.
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