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Showing result for My Man Godfrey Download

My Man Godfrey Download
Category : Video Language : English
Size : 553 MB Upload Date : 2013-06-21
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Release: 17 September 1936

Runtime: 94 min

Genres: Comedy and Romance

Language: English

IMDB Rating: 8.0

PLOT: Too bad the slightly anarchic production conditions could fail on the sets of his films ultimately director Gregory La Cava at the studio system. The equally anarchic tone and chrysanthemum wit this downright Marxist screwball comedy in the post-Depression Era in fact suggests a near comedic talent of the first rank: Thin Man William Powell is a homeless man than as part of a bet forgotten man a crowd of rich idlers is presented to it and then place a heavy useless as Butler family as the only normal in the house of madness.


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